Tocache has 06 districts (Tocache, Nuevo Progreso, Santa Lucia, Uchiza, Shunte and Pólvora), bordered to the East and Southeast by the provinces of Bellavista and Ucayali, and to the South, Southwest and West by the regions of Huánuco and La Libertad. . It has 5,876.44 km2 and 69,394 inhabitants. There are prioritized ecosystems of basimontane mountain forests in: Mishollo, Sinaí, Mana Hermoso, El Tunki and the buffer zone of the Cordillera Azul National Park.
Mariscal Cáceres has 05 districts (Juanjui, Pachiza, Campanilla, Pajarillo and Huicungo), bordered to the north by the province of Huallaga, to the east by the province of Bellavista, to the south by the province of Tocache and to the west by the La Libertad, has an extension of 14,498.73 km2 and 64,626 inhabitants. It is located within the middle basin of the Huallaga River and covers part of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River. In the upper basin is the Abiseo River National Park, located in the Huicungo district, which has an area of 274,520 ha. Likewise, there are the Pucunucho Private Conservation Area, Larga Vista I and Larga Vista II. There are paramo, basimontane ecosystems prioritized in El Alto Huayabamba, Dos de Mayo, El Breo, Gran Simacache, Gran Ochanache, Tres Quebradas, Maquisapa, Marisol, Monte Cristo, Pumasapa and Shitariyacu. In the landscape there are fragile ecosystems, endemic species and/or in threat categories, key to obtaining ecosystem services (carbon capture and storage, provision of water resources and habitat for biodiversity, etc). The main economic activity is agriculture, (production of cocoa, coffee, oil palm, among others).
Tocache and Mariscal Cáceres constitute an important territory in the cocoa production chain, a value chain that benefits the well-being of the population. Tocache as of 2018 had 17,616.0 hectares harvested and Mariscal Cáceres 17,616.0 hectares harvested of cocoa, in both provinces there are 27 organizations of cocoa producers. There are initiatives and spaces for participation, such as the Amazon Origin Cocoa Initiative - ICOA, the Coalition for Sustainable Production, the Sustainable Landscapes Roundtable, the Technical Cocoa Roundtable, the National Agreement for Collective Action on Cocoa, Forests and Diversity, the Commission Regional and Municipal Environmental, the Technical Commission of Provincial and District Economic Development - COTEDETEP. Such spaces and initiatives are promoted with the participation of representatives of public and private institutions, civil society, community organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and International Cooperation. There are also planning and management instruments, such as the Regional Development Plan, Provincial and District Concerted Local Development Plan, Low Emissions Rural Development Strategy, among others.
Tocache has 06 districts (Tocache, Nuevo Progreso, Santa Lucia, Uchiza, Shunte and Pólvora), bordered to the East and Southeast by the provinces of Bellavista and Ucayali, and to the South, Southwest and West by the regions of Huánuco and La Libertad. . It has 5,876.44 km2 and 69,394 inhabitants. There are prioritized ecosystems of basimontane mountain forests in: Mishollo, Sinaí, Mana Hermoso, El Tunki and the buffer zone of the Cordillera Azul National Park.
Mariscal Cáceres has 05 districts (Juanjui, Pachiza, Campanilla, Pajarillo and Huicungo), bordered to the north by the province of Huallaga, to the east by the province of Bellavista, to the south by the province of Tocache and to the west by the La Libertad, has an extension of 14,498.73 km2 and 64,626 inhabitants. It is located within the middle basin of the Huallaga River and covers part of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River. In the upper basin is the Abiseo River National Park, located in the
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